ground-based TCO

WOUDC's 500+ station sites

The World Ozone and UV Data Center (WOUDC) provides an historical archive of total column ozone (TCO) measurements from a number of instruments.

These data are available here. However, the data are provided as CSV files (although not always) and with a wide range of data formatting. There are on the order of 80,000 files comprising the database. To make the database more machine readable, we have created NetCDF files (one per site) of this database that are self-describing and consistent across all sites.

To access the database, or to be kept informed of updates to the database, please email Greg Bodeker at greg@bodekerscientific.com.

Note: These files are not routinely updated so if you find that the files on the Bodeker Scientific FTP server are not as up to date as you would like them to be, please email me and I will update them.